Professional Drivers are expected to know and understand the following questions for their personal development and knowledge.

Who is a Driver?

Driver is anyone that can move any vehicle on the road from one point to another...

Who is a Professional Driver?

Professional driver is anyone that move vehicle and earned income through driving...

Who is a Defensive Driver?

A defensive driver is anyone that move vehicle safely by considering other road users as potential danger...

What are the qualities of a good driver?


a. Skilled
b. Knowledge
c. Self discipline
d. Patience
e. Mechanical Skills
f. Responsible
g. Enough practise
h. Vehicle Care
i. Fitness
j. Alertness

What are the responsibilities of a good driver?


1. Responsibility to self
2. Responsibility to the vehicle
3. Responsibility to the environment
4. Responsibility to the government

What are the categories of drivers?


1. Private drivers
2. Professional drivers

What the categories of Professional drivers?


a. Corporate drivers
b. Commercial drivers
c. Security vehicle drivers
d. Emergency vehicle drivers

What are the various documents expected from a driver?


a. Driver's licence

b. LASDRI Card

c. Vehicle License

d. Road Worthiness Certificate

e. Hackney permit

f. Vehicle Insurance certificate

What are the various classes of Drivers' licenses?

There eight (8) classes of Driver's license.

They are:


1. Class A

2. Class B

3. Class D

4. Class E

5. Class F

6. Class G

7. Class H

8. Class J

What did Class A stands for?

A = Motor cycle

What did Class B stands for?

B = Include Motor cycle, Taxi, Stage carriage or Omnibus

What did Class D stands for?

D = Exclude Articulated vehicle or Vehicle drawing a trailer

What did Class E stands for?

E = Motor vehicle other than Motor cycle or articulated vehicle

What did Class F stands for?

F = Agricultural vehicles

What did Class G stands for?

G = Articulated vehicles

What did Class H stands for?

H = Earth moving vehicles

What did Class J stands for?

J = Special-Physically Handicapped persons

What are Road Signs?

Road signs are also known as Traffic signs or Highway code

Traffic signs or road signs are signs erected at the side of or above roads to give instructions or provide information to road users

Traffic and Road signs are placed in specific areas to ensure the safety of drivers and to manage the road traffic.

What are the characteristics of Road Signs?

They are three:

a. Shape

b. Colour

c. Message

What are the types of Road Signs and Shapes?

They are three:

a. Regulatory signs - 

Shape  - Circle

Colour - Blue

Message - Regulate your behaviour on the road

b. Warning signs - 

Shape  - Triangle

Colour - Red

Message - Warn you about danger ahead.

c. Informative signs - 

Shape  - Rectangle

Colour - Green

Message - Inform you about road condition and places.

What are pavement markings?

Pavement Markings are defined as the markings used on paved roadways to provide guidance and information to pedestrians and drivers.

What are the types of pavement markings?

1. Solid Continuous lines

2. Broken lines

3. Zebra Crossing

4. Edge line

5. Longitudinal markings

6. Yellow Centre line

7. Roundabout markings

What are the various signals on the road?

1. Hand signal

2. Traffic light signal subdivided into

a. Red

b. Amber/Yellow

c. Green

Can you give us the meaning of the Traffic lights?

Red - Stop

Amber - Get ready

Green - Go, if it is safe

*What are the varous causes of Road Accidents?*

1. Human factor

2. Mechanical factor

3. Environmental factor

Can you list the various human factors of the causes of Road Accidents?

a. Carelessness

b. Fatigue

c. Overconfidence

d. Divided attention/lack of concentration

e. Driving under the influence of alcohol

f. Over speeding

g. Non competence of the driver

h. Failure to obey traffic signs/regulations.

List the environmental factor causes of Road Accidents?

a. Bad roads

b. Bad weather (Rainfall, snow, earthquake)

c. Low light situation

d. Blind corners

e. Sound pollution

f. Air pollution

g. Water pollution

h. Population density in work area

What is road rage?

Road rage is aggressive or angry behavior exhibited by a driver of a road vehicle. These behaviors include rude and offensive gestures, verbal insults, physical threats or dangerous driving methods targeted toward another driver or a pedestrian in an effort to intimidate or release frustration.

12 tips on how to avoid road rage

1. Attitude. Driving is not a competitive sport.  Stay calm and focus on getting from one place to another safely and try to forget about time if you are running late.

2. Smarts. One driver cannot fight alone.  Do not allow yourself to get drawn into a confrontation because it can only end badly.

3. Courtesy. Error on the side of being courteous and kind to other drivers.

4. Turn Signal. Using your turn signal ensures that drivers around you will not be surprised by your driving.

5. Changing Lanes. Do not cut off other drivers and make sure you have plenty of room when you merge onto a highway.

6. Keep Up the Pace. Driving in the inner lane slower than the prevailing traffic is asking for trouble.  Regardless of the speed you are traveling, move to the left lane if someone wants to pass you.

7. Tailgating. Not only does it greatly reduce your ability to respond to traffic, but tailgating can also annoy the other drivers around you.  Keeping a safe distance never annoyed anyone.

8. Gestures. Do not make obscene gestures.  Avoid any visible sign that you may be angry or frustrated and wanting to take that anger out on some one.

9. Keep Your Distance. If a driver is displaying signs of aggressive driving.

10. Ease Up. If someone cuts you off, then slow down and give them room.  Their aggression may escalate if you respond in a similar way.

11. Get Help. If you think you are in serious danger, use your cell phone to call the police or drive to a heavily populated area.

12. Apologize. If you make a mistake, try to apologize with an appropriate gesture, such as a smile and a wave of the hand.

Road rage and aggressive driving

If you display road rage as a driver, It means you have uncontrolled anger that results in intimidation or violence against another driver.

Aggressive driving is inconsiderate, stupid driving. It can involve speeding, tailgating (driving too close behind another vehicle), failing to use an indicator for lane changes, recklessly weaving in and out of traffic and over-use of a horn or flashing headlights.

If another driver is attempting to provoke you, don’t react. Don’t be tempted to speed up, brake or swerve suddenly. This could cause a crash or make other drivers think you are confronting them. Instead, stay calm and remain focused on your driving to complete your journey safely. Always remember that safety is your number one concern.

How can one obtain Drivers Badge?

Getting your drivers badge

1. Get LASDRI Card

2. Present LASDRI Card to process Accreditation slip

3. Obtain Accreditation slip well signed

4. Take Accreditation slip to Code of Conduct Bureau at Ikeja (Infront of Police college)

5. Be prepared to pay fees for printing of drivers badge and vehicle tag

What is a Defensive Driver?

This is the art of driving as if every other road users on the road is a potential danger to you.

What are the qualities of a Defensive Driver?

1. Mentally and physically fit

2. Good control of vehicle driven

3. Obey road traffic signs and symbols.

4. Give consideration to other road users

5. Not parking at unauthorized places

6. Not overloading vehicles

7. Not engage in over speeding and dangerous driving

8. Anticipate actions and ready to take escaping action.

What did SIPDE mean?

This is the attitude of a defensive driver

It means:

S - Scan the environment

I - Interprete your findings

P - Predict other road users action

D - Decide next action to be taken

E - Execute the decision on the road

What are the steps for Preliminary of Driving?

1. Move round the vehicle and remove any obstacles around.

2. Check the tyres (front and back)

3. Check the headlamps (front and back)

4. Check the windshields (front and back)

5. Open the door carefully and get seated

6. Adjust the mirrors (inner and side)

7. Adjust the Headgear (do not rest on it while driving)

8. Fasten the seatbelt

9. Start the ignition and drive...

What are the daily vehicle checks and care that you know?



Fuel Pump



Check Wear and Tear

Remove Nails or Sharp Objects

Check Air leakage


Clean dirts

Replace damaged Glass

Replace worn out wiper blades


Check the following:

Brake lights

Traffic Indicators

Head lights

Reversed lights


Check the following:

Radiator water level

Damaged radiator

Side water reservoir


Faulty water hose connection


Check the following:

Lower Oil level

Upper Oil level

Weak Oil rings

Oil leakage

Top cylinder

Oil filter

Smoky and oil exhaust

What are the benefits of daily vehicle checks and care?

1. Extends the vehicle life

2. Reduces running cost

3. Gives early warning or signals

4. Ensure vehicle performance

5. Prevent vehicle breakdown

6. Preserve drivers and passenger's life...

How can one get drivers' training video?


We use this medium to let you know that for your visual interactive training programme at home, office or in your vehicle, LASDRI TRAINING VIDEO is now available for sale.

Cost = N1,000

Get yours and inform others.

What is Space Cushion?


A space cushion is a buffer around your vehicle that you maintain to allow room to maneuver, if necessary. Scan frequently and maintain awareness of other vehicle.

Taking care of your vehicle and the little "space bubble" around it while your vehicle is moving.

The best thing you can do to protect your vehicle is to allow a large space management between you and the vehicle in front of you and around you...

What is Blind Spot?

A blind spot is the area of the road that can't be seen by looking forward through your windscreen, or by using your rear-view and side-view mirrors. 

Blind spots can be large enough in size to easily block another car, motorbike, cyclist or pedestrian from your view.

A blind spot in a vehicle is an area around the vehicle that cannot be directly seen by the driver while at the controls, under existing circumstances.

A blind spot is an area you can't see in your mirrors or areas hidden by parts of your vehicles structure. Missing these areas can lead to collisions.

A blind spot is an area around your vehicle that you, the driver, cannot observe, through the use of their mirrors or cameras

What is Tailgating?

Tailgating is the action of a driver driving behind another vehicle while not leaving sufficient distance to stop without causing a collision if the vehicle in front stops suddenly...

Tailgating can occur when a vehicle attempts to prevent another vehicle on the right or left from cutting in front of them,

The tailgating (or preventing) vehicle will drive as close as possible to another leading vehicle to prevent the side vehicle from cutting in.

What are the various Traffic Offences in Lagos State?

1. Driving without a Drivers' license

2. Driving of any vehicle by a person under 18years

3. Driving with fake number plates

4. Driving with forged vehicle particulars

5. Driving with a fake drivers' license

6. Driving without road worthiness

7. Driving without yellow painting (Commercial)

8. Driving without Hackney permit

9. No display of Hackney permit

10. Kabu Kabu without a permit

11. Disobeying LASTMA Officer

12. Neglect of traffic direction light

13. Smoking while driving

14. Physically assaults' of traffic officer

15. Driving without full light at night

16. Driving with worn out tyre

17. Driving without spare tyre

18. Driving smoking vehicle

19. No fire extinguisher

20. Broken windscreen

21. Tinted windscreen

22. Eating and driving with one hand

23. One way driving

24. Driving without fasten seatbelt

25. Not painting a commercial vehicle with approved colour

26. No car hire service permit

27. Parking on the yellow line on any public highway/illegal parking

28. Vehicle crossing double yellow line / centre line

29. Staying within the yellow junction box

30. Failure to yield to the right of the way of the pedestrian at zebra crossing

31. Failure to give to traffic on the left at a roundabout

32. Driving on walkway or kerb

33. Reversing on the highway & parking on walkways

34. Obstruction of traffic

35. Picking / Dropping passengers on illegal Bus stop

36. Driving on BRT lane.

FINES TO PAY (Subject to Review)


2. N30,000

3. N30,000




7. N80,000







14. N50,000 / 6 MONTHS IN PRISON

15. N50,000

16. N30,000

17. N30,000

18. N30,000

19. N30,000

20. N30,000

21. N30,000



24. N30,000

25. N50,000

26. N20,000 1ST, N30,000 2ND, IMPOUND VEHICLE

27. 1ST N20,000, 2ND N30,000

28. 1ST N20,000, SUBSEQUENT N30,000

29. 1ST N20,000, SUBSEQUENT N30,000

30. 1ST N20,000, SUBSEQUENT N30,000

31. 1ST N20,000, SUBSEQUENT N30,000


33. N50,000

34. N20,000

35. N50,000

36. N70,000

All these fines are subjected to review please

What are the various fruits that can improve our eye sight as a professional driver?

1. Carrot

2. Cucumber

3. Watermelon

4. Mouringer seed / leaf

5. Lettuce

Also, if you can grind all these fruits together and take a shot in the morning and evening daily. It will boost your eye sight performance.

How can one check HANDBRAKE?

Make sure your car HANDBRAKE is on point always because one day it will save your 

life when BRAKES FAILS and that is a FACT.

Note: We will do an episode on how to use 

your car HANDBRAKE Incase brakes fails....

What is LAGOS RIDE ?

The Lagos Ride Scheme is firstly aimed to take off all rickety cars being used as taxis on our roads by providing alternatives to the operators who are not owners of the vehicles to become owners through the “lease to own scheme”. 

The Lagos Ride Scheme provides the driver/operator with right to own the car after the car is fully paid for within 3-4 years.

HOW to apply for LAGOS RIDE? 

Application details and processes are online through lagosride.com and further links on android & IOS play stores by searching Lagos ride.

Operator’s office – Lagos Ride Limited at 2nd Floor, 62 Campbell Street, Lagos Island.

Tel: 01-3438161



Socialmedia: @mylagosride 

(Facebook, Twitter and Instagram)

Is Government running a Taxi Business?

 NO: This is an empowerment programme for the citizens of the State who fall into any of these categories. 

The Unemployed or Workers under the present taxis scheme who are not owners of the taxis they are operating.


The vehicles are from GAC Motors that is presently located in Lagos with over five present maintenance centres and creation of addition 6 centres through construction of new service centres & partnership with existing LACVIS test centres.

LASG signed a joint venture with GAC Motors in 2020 to establish an assembly plant for local assembling of vehicles thereby making the cars readily available/affordable. Plant is at 60% completion with an annual capacity for over 5,000 cars.


- It is an empowerment scheme for the residents of Lagos State which guarantees ownership of the car after full payment is done with low access deposit.


It is security embedded with dashboard cameras installed in each car for real-time monitoring of the car, passengers and drivers activities for safety purpose.

All the cars are uniformly painted with unique number on each car for  identification and safety.


With the technology its operations will be deployed on, ride-sharing is possible for passengers (who agree to share ride) thereby reducing commuting costs.

The scheme provides brand new cars and not used cars which provides dignity for the ridesr and low emission rate to the environment thereby reducing the impact of emission on climate.


The Lagos Ride aimed to take off all rickety cars being used as taxis on our roads, providing alternatives to the operators of these vehicles who are not owners of the vehicles to become owners. 


Two forms of GAC vehicle will be used for the scheme

i. GS3 model – a mini SUV

ii. GA4 model – a full saloon car with full options


- Comprehensive Insurance Policy

- LASG E-Hailing Levy

- An android phone given to each driver/operator loaded with the apps.

- Full vehicle registration cost

- Dashboard camera that gives audio and video feed accessible remotely

- 360 coverage inside and outside the car.

- A physical panic button that can be used by any body inside the car in case of assault or emergency which is connected to the control command centre

A SOS button on the driver’s app and the user’s app that all connected to the command centre for action

Training and Certification with Lagos State Drivers Institute for the operators.




This is the action of turning something aside from its course.

This is an alternative route for use by traffic when the usual road is temporarily closed.

What is Driver Fitness?

What professional driver must ensure are as follow:

1.Ensure that you minimize any form of risk at all times.

2.Make sure that you are fit to drive. 

 Do not begin a journey if you are tired. Get a good night's sleep before embarking 

on a long journey.

3. Avoid undertaking long journeys between midnight and 6 AM, when natural 

alertness is at a minimum.

4. Plan your journey to take sufficient breaks. A minimum break of at least 15 minutes 

after every two hours of driving is recommended.

5. If you feel at all sleepy, stop in a safe place. Do not stop on the hard shoulder of a 


6. Vision. You should be able to read a vehicle number plate, in good daylight, from a 

distance of 20metres (If you need to wear glasses (or contact lenses) to do this, you 

must wear them at all times while driving. The traffic law enforcement officers have 

the power to require a driver to undertake an eyesight test. 

7. When you are dazzled by bright sunlight, slow down, and if necessary, stop.

8. At night or in visibility, do not use tinted glasses, lenses or visors if they restrict your vision.

Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol?

The Dangers of Alcohol

Alcohol is a drug, a depressant that affects both your body and your mind. After drinking any amount of alcohol, your coordination and reaction time are slower than when sober.

 Alcohol can also distort your vision, make you sleepy and give you a false sense of security that results in poor judgment. In short, alcohol robs the driver of the very qualities needed for defensive driving—alertness, foresight, judgment and skill.

You May Think You’re in Control…

One of the dangers of alcohol is that you may think you’re in control of your driving, but you’re not. If you’re a habitual drinker, you may not feel drunk after a few drinks. But your blood alcohol level will show that you are. If friends tell you that you shouldn’t drive, listen to them. You’ll thank them when you’ve sobered up. Having as few as three or four drinks can double your chances of being in an accident. After seven or eight drinks, those odds increase 25 times.

What are Bulges and Bubbles in Tyres?

Bulges/Bubbles in tyres can occur when the sidewall becomes damaged - which is often caused by the following:

1 High-impact by hitting a pothole or piece of road debris.

2 Running into a curb.

3 Driving too fast over speed bumps or railroad crossing.

4 overloading your tyre.

5 Driving, even for a short distance with a flat tyre.

What are various Safety tips in Bus Driving?

Passengers Safety on the Bus

· Do not talk to or distract the bus operator while he or she is driving.

· Nothing should be in the aisle, no legs, arms, book, bags, or other objects that someone

could trip over

· Do not put any part of your body outside the bus window. This includes events such as

weddings and political party trips

· Where provided, use the seat belts at all times as this will enhance your safety in the

event of a crash.

· Avoid opening or tampering with emergency windows, except during an emergency.

. Courtesy to other passengers on the bus

On the bus you are sharing a small space with several passengers. Ensure that you:

· Avoid conduct that could lead to physical and verbal confrontation with other

passengers, thereby endangering your safety, the safety of other passengers and

distracting the driver.

· Do not smoke.

· Do your part to prevent fires and littering.

· Allow the elderly and people that are differently abled to use the priority seating in the

front of the bus.

In Case of Emergency?

· In an emergency stay calm. Listen to the bus driver and follow instructions carefully.

· It is best to carry with you an identification which will inform emergency rescue

personnel of your identity, your next of kin and contact numbers, allergies, medical

fund details etc.

· In an extreme emergency situation, the windows can also serve as exits. Follow the

instruction markings on the windows or the window frames.



Procedure for crossing the road, also known as Kerb Drill under

Before you cross, first and a safe place to cross, then do the following:

a) stop just before you get to the kerb or edge of the road;

b) look all around for trafc and listen;

c) look right, look left and right again;

d) if at the pedestrian crossing and traffic is coming, wait until the driver has

given you the right of way.

e) do not cross until the road is clear;

f) when it is safe, keep to the left of the crossing path and go straight across the

road using the shortest route;

g) cross the road as quickly as you can but do not run.

h) do not wander or loiter whenever you are crossing the road; and

i) keep looking around and listening for traffic while you cross, in case there is any traffic you did not see, or in case other traffic appears suddenly.

What are the Qualities of a good driver?


A driver who steers, brakes, changes gears, and accelerates smoothly is a good driver. Smooth driving also places far less stress on the mechanics of a vehicle, thus avoiding unnecessary and inconvenient breakdowns.

It’s important that drivers employ defensive driving when on the road. It’s all about recognizing and reacting to potential situations before they happen in the interest of not only your safety, but that of other road users. By acting on situations ahead in a timely manner, you will become a smoother driver. In other words, be proactive.

To be a good driver you need to be able to anticipate what other road users will do. If you know where to look, you will see clues all around: pedestrians who might be about to run into the road, children playing on the pavement, water or items on the road surface, or stray animals. These are all signs to give you information to act upon. Be vigilant, and be aware, as this will make you a better driver in the long run.


Knowledge is defined as what is learned, understood, or what you are aware of. A good driver knows what leads to accidents (distracting activities, daydreaming, fatigue) and is therefore more aware of how to avoid or minimize these risks. A good driver also knows his or her limitations – physically, mentally, and emotionally – and knows how to overcome them.

By knowing your vehicle’s abilities and shortcomings, you will be better equipped to respond to potentially dangerous situations. Does your vehicle have enough power to execute passing maneuvers safely and timeously? How hard do you have to step on the brakes to come to a complete stop? Is your vehicle equipped with ABS brakes or will you need to apply cadence braking? Are there any other driver aids, such as stability control and traction control, which need to be considered?

A good driver isn’t necessarily the person with split-second reflexes, the eyesight of a hawk and the talent of a racing driver. A good driver is anyone who understands that all road users have a responsibility to each other to obey the law and the rules of the road. It is anyone who is unselfish, and who respects the rights of others.

Let us all strive to become better drivers. It doesn’t take that much effort and has far-reaching benefits for everyone.

Why is a car consumes more fuel than before?


Now fuel prize is going up everyday, how do we manage or reduce our vehicles fuel consumption?

If your car is now consuming more fuel than before it may not be the fault of the car, most times its your own fault.

Now go through these to the end so you know if its your fault or the car.

1. Weak engine.

 As your engine is getting old its becoming weaker and loosing compression so you have to put more power for the engine to perform unlike before.

Low performance of engine is not only because the engine is weak, other components working with the engine can cause it e.g bad spark plugs, bad coil, blocked nozzles, bad oxygen sensor, dirty air filter etc.

2. Driving with wrong gear

This is common with manual gears. If your using low gears (1,2) where your suppose to use higher gears (3,4,5,6) the engine will consume more fuel because its RPM will always be high. It will also make the engine run high temperature and over heating. You will notice this more when your towing a vehicle both manual or automatic gear.

3. Poor maintenance.

 If you don't give your vehicle the required maintenance it will under perform. E.g when last did you clean your air filter? A clogged or dirty air filter will make the car perform badly because air circulation in-out of the air flow meter, inlet valves, combustion chamber etc will be poor thereby suffocating the engine.

4. Short trips

Nothing consumes fuel and stresses engine and gear like short trips within the city because it doesn't let the engine reach its optimum operating threshold. In short trips the vehicle uses more of low gears and run on higher temperature. Its advised, once in a while take your car for long journey.

5. Wrong Engine oil

If you check the top cover of your car its oil specification is always written there , most times 5w50, 5w30, 0w20 etc but your mechanic will ask you to buy 20w50 because its cheaper. 

Now listen, engine oil which is thicker than recommended specification make pistons move less freely causing the engine overheating and ultimately cause more fuel consumption.

6. Poor fuel quality

Low grade fuel burn out faster than high grade but this one is not your fault but always try and  be observant of where you buy your fuel.

7. Using Air condition all the time

Most of us always get confused here whether AC consumes more fuel. The answer is Yes/No but how you use it. Your car AC is a complete system on it's own but gets its powers from your car engine ONLY so your engine do more work when the AC is on. It consumes more fuel if your doing a short distance trip mainly within the city but on long distance trips with higher speed on high ways, if your windows are down air moving into the car through the open windows will cause obstruction and drag to movement of the car but if the windows are up movement of the car will be streamlined to the flow of air just like fish inside the river.

8. Erratic and James Bond driving style

If you always like driving at high speed the engine will consume more fuel than somebody who drives gently because your engine needs to pump more fuel to balance and maintain the fluctuations or torque output needed to propel the car faster.

This bad habit is common with young guys and mechanics driving a borrowed car, they will always like to screech the tyres and raise dust like formula one cars which they are not.

9. Over Loading

When you look at the driver side door of your car you will see the specified load capacity for the car but instead of keeping to it we like overloading it making the engine do more work. Now answer this question: if your to push a car with only one person inside and same car with 5 persons inside which of them will you do more work?

10. Worn out tyres

If your tyres are worn out its grip on the road surface will be poor and the tyres will be spinning more to move and making the engine burn more fuel. So always check your tyres.

11. Low Tyre pressure

If your tyre pressure is low, the tyres will not have free flow of movement on the road surface, so always ensure your tyre Psi are  normal.

12. Worn our clutch

A worn out clutch slips while trying to rotate the disc and vice versa. This results to loss in the overall power the wheel receive from the engine thereby reducing the transmission efficiency and increase RPM. This is why your mechanics file or grind your clutch plates and disc before installing them.

Let's always take good care of our vehicles so they will survive and serve us well especially this hard times.


Recently I came across a very useful tip. I was surprised to know it but had a doubt so I talked to one of the pump technicians and he too accepted it as a fact. I think apart from providing space for the gas generated inside the petrol tank this is yet another reason why we shouldn't fill the tank to the brim. Many of us are not aware that the petrol kiosk pump has a return pipe-line (in Pink). When the petrol tank (in the car) reaches full level, there is a mechanism to trigger off the pump latch and at the same time a return-valve is opened (at the top of the pump station) to allow excess petrol to flow back into the pump. But the return petrol has already pass through the meter, meaning you are donating the petrol back to the Oil Dealer.

Also only fill up your car or truck in the early morning when the ground temperature is still cold. Remember that all service stations have their storage tanks buried below ground. The colder the ground the more dense the petrol, when it gets warmer petrol expands, so buying in the afternoon or in the evening....your liter is not exactly a liter. In the petroleum business, the specific gravity and the temperature of the petrol, diesel and jet fuel, ethanol and other petroleum products plays an important role.

A 1-degree rise in temperature is a big deal for this business. But the service stations do not have temperature compensation at the pumps.

When you're filling up do not squeeze the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode If you look you will see that the trigger has three (3) stages: low, middle, and high. You should be pumping on low mode, thereby minimizing the vapors that are created while you are pumping. All hoses at the pump have a vapor return. If you are pumping on the fast rate, some of the liquid that goes to your tank becomes vapor. Those vapors are being sucked up and back into the underground storage tank so you're getting less worth for your money.

One of the most important tips is to fill up when your Petrol tank is HALF FULL. The reason for this is the more Petrol you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. petrol evaporates faster than you can imagine. petrol storage tanks have an internal floating roof. This roof serves as zero clearance between the Petrol and the atmosphere, so it minimizes the evaporation. Unlike service stations, here where I work, every truck that we load is temperature compensated so that every litre is actually the exact amount.

Another reminder, if there is a petrol truck pumping into the storage tanks when you stop to buy Petrol, DO NOT fill up; most likely the petrol is being stirred up as the Petrol is being delivered, and you might pick up some of the dirt that normally settles on the bottom.

Why is driving under Rainy Weather dangerous?

While you can't avoid driving under the rain, ensure that your windshield wipers are functioning optimally because rain impedes visibility and decreases the handling of vehicle as intended and can hide major hazards such as potholes. Remember, visibility is an essential component of safe driving. So, do not drive around this season with non-functional wiper or defective wiper blades nor speed when caught in a rainstorm. Slow down, stay alert and obey all traffic regulations to arrive safe and alive. Your family will be waiting for you. 

Arrive safe and alive!

Why is driving at night so dangerous?

There are many reasons for the increased risks. They include:

Decreased visibility. Depth perception, colour recognition, and peripheral vision are compromised after sundown.

Many inexperienced young drivers are on the roads at night and do not have the skills and concentration that comes with experience.

Elderly drivers need more light to see as well as the younger drivers.

Vulnerable road users such as pedestrians, cyclists and bikers are often not clearly visible to motorists and vice versa.

Reduced ability to judge speed and distance at night.

Sharing the roads with many drunk drivers and pedestrians returning from bars, parties etc. late at night.

Sharing the roads with fatigued drivers after a hard day of work or those who have been driving long distances.

Vehicle lighting cannot illuminate very far allowing little time and space to react and bring the vehicle to a stop.

Wildlife venture onto the roads with these risks increased in areas where fences are broken or removed.

Criminals are often lurking in the dark, placing objects in the road to cause crashes and rob drivers and occupants.

What are the types of Collisions?

There are  Three (3) types of Collisions. They are:

1. Head-on collision

head-on collision occurs when your vehicle hits head-on to another vehicle or a solid object. This is very dangerous and could be lethal at high speeds. Air bags and seat belts are the best protection. If you slow down the force of impact will be less.

Some of the causes of such a collision are unsafe passing and driving on the wrong side of the road.

2. Cars side crash

Side collisions happen when another vehicle hits you from the side. The impact from side collision will be highest when the vehicle hits you at the driver or passenger side. In such a case, try to adjust so that you are not hit at the passenger or driver sides.

Rear-end collisions occur when a vehicle hits you from the back. These are common when the vehicle behind you is driving too close to your car. Avoid sudden moves and stops so that the vehicles behind you have time to react. If you stop unexpectedly and the car behind you hits you it could be your fault.

Serious pile-up collisions happen when drivers don't slow down and follow too closely on slippery roads.

3. Car rolled over

Rollovers happen when your vehicle trips over to its side or top. Vehicles going at excessive speeds have a potential to roll over, especially when the driver jerks the steering wheel suddenly.

Always follow the advisory speed sign for the highest speed you should travel around the curve. Taller and narrower vehicles are more likely to roll over. Seat belts protect you in case of a rollover.

What is Defensive scape driving?

Escape Techniques

When it looks like a collision may happen, many drivers panic and fail to act. In some cases they do act, but in ways that do not help to reduce the chance of the collision. There is almost always something you can do to avoid an impending collision or reduce its severity. In attempting to avoid a collision, drivers have three options:

1. Stop

2. Turn (or steer away)

3. Speed up

Stopping Quickly

In order to stop, you have to use your brakes effectively. Most new vehicles have an Antilock Braking System (ABS) which will allow you to stop without skidding. Consult the vehicle owner's manual for how to use the ABS.

Stopping Quickly with ABS

Press on the brake pedal as hard as you can and keep pressing on it firmly.

You might feel the brake pedal pushing back when the ABS is working. DO NOT let up on the brake pedal. The ABS system will only work with the brake pedal pushed down firmly.

 Never pump antilock brakes

Stopping Quickly with Conventional Brakes:

Apply the brakes as hard as you can without locking them. You can cause the vehicle to go into a skid if you brake too hard.

If the brakes lock-up, you will feel the vehicle start to skid. Quickly let up on the brake pedal.

As soon as the vehicle stops skidding, push down on the brake pedal again. Keep doing this until the vehicle has stopped.

In case of brake failure, pump the brake pedal quickly.

Turning Quickly

In most cases, you can turn the vehicle to avoid a collision quicker than you can stop it. When you don't have enough room to stop, you may have to steer away from what's ahead. It's very important, however, not to oversteer, which may increase risk of skidding or rollovers.

How to turn quickly and safely:

Do not apply the brake while you are turning. It's very easy to lock your wheels while turning. If that happens, you may skid out of control or cause too much weight transfer and rollover.

Do not turn any more than needed to clear whatever is in your way. The more sharply you turn, the greater the chances of a skid or rollover.

Be prepared to counter steer—that is, to turn the wheel back in the other direction, once you've passed whatever was in your path.

Both hands on the wheel

Keep both hands on the steering wheel. In order to turn quickly, you must have a firm grip on the steering wheel with both hands. It is best to have your hands at the 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock positions. This will keep your wrists and forearms out of the main impact area of the air bag, reduce weight transfer, and is generally more comfortable.

Speeding Up:

Sometimes it is necessary to speed up to avoid or lessen impact forces in a collision. This may happen when another vehicle is about to hit you from the side or from behind and there is room to the front of your vehicle to lessen or change the impact area. Be sure to slow down once the danger has passed.

Always, try to maintain a safe following distance from the vehicle ahead and position yourself to see the bigger picture.

What are the uses of Lights in Driving?

There are different types of lights in a vehicle, which are intended to be used in different situations. 

As a driver, it is very important for you to know the function of these lights and to use them in appropriate situations. 

The following are the guidelines for using various types of lights which include Full Beam Light, Dip Light, Hazard Blinkers, Fog Light, Turning Indicators, and Parking Light.

Full/High Beam Lights

Inappropriate use of full beam lights often causes blinding (temporary blindness

due to bright light), annoyance, and distraction to other road users. Therefore, it is essential for the drivers to know how to use full beam light without causing inconvenience to other road users.

a) Use full beam lights when there's insufficient street lighting and it is difficult to see the way.

b) Do not use full beam lights in a built-up area (say, residential area, commercial

area) where there is good street lighting.

c) do not use full beam lights when stopped in traffic 

d) Do not use full beam lights when on-coming traffic or Bicycles, pedestrians are approaching on undivided road are approaching on an undivided

e) Do not use full beam lights when your vehicle is stopped or parked.

 Low Beam/Dip Lights

The following are the guidelines for using low beam lights 

a) Use dip lights when driving in a built-up area where there is good street lighting.

b) Use dip lights when following closely behind another vehicle or when you see their rear red lights.

The following are the guidelines for using hazard blinkers

a) Use hazard blinkers when there is a hazard on the road ahead, so as to inform other drivers regarding the hazard.

b) Use hazard blinkers when your vehicle is stationary and causing a temporary obstruction.

c) Use hazard blinkers when there is a breakdown in a dangerous place 

d) Use hazard blinkers during inclement weather condition when visibility is low.

e) Use hazard blinkers when anything goes wrong while you are in motion(say, the brake is not working).

f) Do not use hazard blinkers to stop anywhere you wish.

g) Do not rely on hazard blinkers to keep you safe.

Fog Lights

The following are the guidelines for using fog lights.

a) Use the fog lights if you are driving in fog.

b) Do not use fog lights when visibility is good.

Turning Indicator

Turning indicator should be used only to indicate turning left or right 

Do not use turning indicator or hazard blinker to indicate the straight movement.


Overtaking in wrong places has caused too many fatal RTAs on the road.

Do not overtake in the following places:

1) ON A BRIDGE: Avoid overtaking on bridges, bridges are dangerous places to overtake as you don't have other places to go than inside water or collide with opposing cars if other cars suddenly appear as you try to overtake.

2) ON A BEND: When there is a bend, please don't overtake no matter how clear you think the road is,it is very dangerous as you can't see the front, another car may be coming.

3) ON A MOUNTAIN: like in a bend, mountains, hills are wrong places to overtake you can't see the front clearly and you may not be able to speed enough to overtake and avoid colliding with traffic from the opposite direction.

4) SHARP SLOPES: It is also dangerous to overtake as your brake system may not work the way you 

5) WHEN YOU CANNOT SEE THE FRONT CLEARLY: If you cannot see the front clearly for any reason please don't overtake.

6) WHEN IT IS RAINING: When it rains heavily don't overtake because the road may be slippery and your visibility is low.

7) WHEN YOU ARE FOLLOWING CONVOY OF FAST MOVING CARS: Avoid overtaking fast moving cars in convoy it will be dangerous to do that.

8) WHEN THE ROAD IS TOO NARROW:  some roads are too narrow to take two vehicles at the same time, avoid overtaking in these kinds of roads.

9) WHEN THE ROAD IS SLIPPERY: Rain, water, Slipped oil, swampy areas are known to be slippery, be cautious about overtaking in these kinds of areas.

10) AGGRESSIVE DRIVERS: Avoid overtaking aggressive drivers. These are drivers who increase their speed whenever you try to overtake them so as to prevent you from overtaking. These kinds of drivers sees the road as a race track, they are dangerous drivers and can easily cause road mishap.

For your safety and that of others, avoid overtaking these kind of drivers, you don't need to prove you are faster or better than him, please don't race to the Cemetery.

 11) WHEN YOU CAN'T CLEARLY SEE A VEHICLE COMING FROM THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION: Don't assume the car is far, your judgement may be totally wrong, many people got to the grave before they realize their mistakes. It is safer not to overtake when the oncoming car is already in view, please be careful.

12) WHEN DRIVING IN THE NIGHT: Driving in the night involves great caution and carefulness, if you cannot see clearly please don't overtake, if you don't have good eyesight don't drive in the night at all, if you must do it, drive with all carefulness.

*What are the qualities of a good driver?

Everyone thinks they are a good driver. But, controlling a vehicle doesn’t necessarily make you a good driver. It’s a skill that demands constant learning and polishing, and it has a lot more to do with character and personality type than one would think.


If you don’t have the right attitude, it won’t matter how much knowledge or skill you have, you won’t be a consistently good driver. The aim is to stay calm and tolerant in all situations.

By the same token, drivers who are overly fearful generally aren’t good drivers. The key is to not panic in emergency situations, and have the presence of mind to decide and execute the best action for that moment. A good driver will also be self-aware of his/her bad habits, and will constantly strive to overcome them.

Linked to this is the realization that there is always something to learn. Nobody is perfect, so learn from your own mistakes, and from the mistakes of others.

Being courteous to other road users is also very important. That means coexisting with all other road users, including motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Getting agitated, impatient and angry can have disastrous consequences. Realize and accept that you share the road with others, and act and react accordingly. You will not only be a better driver, but also a safer driver.


A driver who steers, brakes, changes gears, and accelerates smoothly is a good driver. Smooth driving also places far less stress on the mechanics of a vehicle, thus avoiding unnecessary and inconvenient breakdowns.

It’s important that drivers employ defensive driving when on the road. It’s all about recognizing and reacting to potential situations before they happen in the interest of not only your safety, but that of other road users. By acting on situations ahead in a timely manner, you will become a smoother driver. In other words, be proactive.

To be a good driver you need to be able to anticipate what other road users will do. If you know where to look, you will see clues all around: pedestrians who might be about to run into the road, children playing on the pavement, water or items on the road surface, or stray animals. These are all signs to give you information to act upon. Be vigilant, and be aware, as this will make you a better driver in the long run.


Knowledge is defined as what is learned, understood, or what you are aware of. A good driver knows what leads to accidents (distracting activities, daydreaming, fatigue) and is therefore more aware of how to avoid or minimize these risks. A good driver also knows his or her limitations – physically, mentally, and emotionally – and knows how to overcome them.

By knowing your vehicle’s abilities and shortcomings, you will be better equipped to respond to potentially dangerous situations. Does your vehicle have enough power to execute passing maneuvers safely and timeously? How hard do you have to step on the brakes to come to a complete stop? Is your vehicle equipped with ABS brakes or will you need to apply cadence braking? Are there any other driver aids, such as stability control and traction control, which need to be considered?

A good driver isn’t necessarily the person with split-second reflexes, the eyesight of a hawk and the talent of a racing driver. A good driver is anyone who understands that all road users have a responsibility to each other to obey the law and the rules of the road. It is anyone who is unselfish, and who respects the rights of others.

Let us all strive to become better drivers. It doesn’t take that much effort and has far-reaching benefits for everyone.

What are the 18 tips to driving defensively?

1.Be prepared for anything.

2.Keep your mind on your driving. Keep your eyes on the road, and other drivers, and keep both hands on the wheel.

3.Constantly look well ahead for changes in traffic or road conditions. If you see a lot of brake lights, slow down and be prepared to stop.

4.Yield to drivers who are determined to get there first.

5.Keep checking your rear view and side mirrors for traffic.

6. Always expect the other driver to do the unexpected -- speed up, slow down, pass, cut across lanes.

7.Learn your mirrors' "Blind Spots";. Always turn your head and look for other vehicles (especially motorcycles) before changing lanes. Remember that your work vehicle will have different "Blind Spots" than your personal vehicle.

8. Watch for sudden movements - like pedestrians, bicycles, or animals darting into the road in front of you.

9. Carry emergency equipment. - a jack, spare tire (have you checked your spare tire for proper inflation lately?), flashlight, first aid kit, flares.

10. Don't speed! Watch for changing speed limits in urban areas.

11. Obey the laws. Follow traffic rules, signs and signals.

12. Don't drive under the influence of drugs, alcohol or fatigue. (Remember cold medicines, and prescription drugs.)

13. Stay at least 2 (two) seconds behind the other driver, more under poor conditions.

14. Adjust your speed and driving to changing weather and traffic conditions.

15. Lock your vehicle and take your keys with you when you leave it.

16. Be a defensive driver. Protect yourself and others. Your are the professional driver, most people on the road are not.

17. Walk behind your vehicle before you back up.

18. Be a courteous driver. Your truck is a moving billboard, make a positive impression with other drivers, not a negative one.

The the rule is that whether you are turning left to enter a street, driveway, or parking lot, always yield to oncoming vehicles. Don't cross the oncoming lane to make your turn until approaching vehicle has passed. So, by this rule, B will go first follow by C and lastly A.

B,C,A is correct

What are the FRSC Traffic Offences & Penalties?

38 FRSC Traffic Offences & Their Penalties


Penalty:         N2,000


Penalty:        N3,000


Penalty:         N5,000


Penalty:         N10,000


Penalty:         N50,000


Penalty:         N3,000


Penalty:         N3,000


Penalty:         N5,000


Penalty:         N3,000


  Penalty:         N3,000


Penalty:         N5,000


Penalty:         N2, 000


Penalty:         N20,000


Penalty:         N20,000


Penalty:         N3,000


Penalty:         N3,000


Penalty:         N5,000


Penalty:         N3,000


 Penalty:        N4,000


Penalty:         N5,000


Penalty:         N2,000


Penalty:         N50,000


Penalty:         N3,000


Penalty:         N3,000


Penalty:         N5,000


Penalty:         N10,000


Penalty:         N5,000


Penalty:         N3,000


Penalty:         N50,000


Penalty:         N10,000


Penalty:         N2,000


Penalty: N200 per day after 24 hours


Penalty:         N3,000


Penalty:         N10,000


 Penalty:         N2,000


Penalty:         N2,000


Penalty:         N5,000


Penalty:         N3,000


ALL Fines are paid into the Federal Government Revenue Account in any of the commercial Banks or online using “Remita” platform accessible through www.remita.net.

On the remita.net website, select “Pay FG Agency; Select FRSC under MDAs; select “Offences” to pay for fines. Complete the other mandatory fields as applicable.

Take the teller / printout to the FRSC office where the booking was made.

Have this handy and share with your family and friends. It can help you avoid undue harassment !

*When a driver judges how much risk is involved in a situation or driving maneuver, he or she should consider the following:*

A. The space needs of the car and the maneuver to be made
B. The time necessary to perform the maneuver
C. Roadway conditions present at the time
D. A, B and C are all correct.

*What do you understand by Breakdown in driving?*


A vehicle breakdown is a mechanical or electrical failure of a motor vehicle in such a way that the underlying problem prevents the vehicle from being operated or impedes the vehicle's operation so significantly that it is very difficult, nearly impossible, or else dangerous to operate. Vehicle breakdowns have various causes. Depending on the nature of the problem, the vehicle may or may not need to be towed to an automobile repair shop.

If you have a breakdown, think first of all other road users and -

a) Get your vehicle off the road if possible;

b) Warn other traffic by using your hazard warning lights if your vehicle is causing

an obstruction.;

c) Put a retro reflective warning triangle on the straight road at least 50 metres, on sharp bends almost 100 metres behind and in front and 50 meters in residential area of your broken down vehicle on the same side of the road or use other permitted warning devices if you have them. Never forget the danger from passing traffic;

d) Keep your side lights on if it is dark or visibility is poor;

e) Do not stand(or let anybody else stand) between your vehicle and oncoming traffic;

f) At night or in poor visibility do not stand where you will prevent other road usersseeing your lights; and

g) At night or in poor visibility, put on bright or reflective clothing.

What do you understand by Driver tiredness and fatigue?

You should not drive while tired or fatigued. Research has shown that tired drivers are a major road safety risk, both to themselves and to others.

If you are tired and fighting sleep, you are likely to experience ‘micro sleeps’.

These episodes can last up to 10 seconds and can be experienced even when your eyes are open.

During a micro-sleep of even 4 seconds, your car can travel 100 metres (more than the length of a football pitch) without you being in control of your vehicle.

Do not be tempted to keep driving when you are tired because you are only minutes from your destination. Many tiredness-related collisions occur within a few minutes of the driver’s destination as the body begins to relax.


If you are suffering from a serious lack of sleep, the only cure is sleep.

What are the names of the various Traffic Signs?









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