Friday, September 30, 2022





A vehicle breakdown is a mechanical or electrical failure of a motor vehicle in such a way that the underlying problem prevents the vehicle from being operated or impedes the vehicle's operation so significantly that it is very difficult, nearly impossible, or else dangerous to operate. Vehicle breakdowns have various causes. Depending on the nature of the problem, the vehicle may or may not need to be towed to an automobile repair shop.

If you have a breakdown, think first of all other road users and -

a) Get your vehicle off the road if possible;

b) Warn other traffic by using your hazard warning lights if your vehicle is causing

an obstruction.;

c) Put a retro reflective warning triangle on the straight road at least 50 metres, on sharp bends almost 100 metres behind and in front and 50 meters in residential area of your broken down vehicle on the same side of the road or use other permitted warning devices if you have them. Never forget the danger from passing traffic;

d) Keep your side lights on if it is dark or visibility is poor;

e) Do not stand(or let anybody else stand) between your vehicle and oncoming traffic;

f) At night or in poor visibility do not stand where you will prevent other road usersseeing your lights; and

g) At night or in poor visibility, put on bright or reflective clothing.

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